Security and data

Zenegy Trust Center

In the Zenegy Trust Center you will find all the necessary information about security, our privacy policy, cookie information, our safety standards and documentation.

Opdateret: april 2021

Terms and conditions

Subscription conditions for Zenegy’s products and services, for us as a vendor and you as a customer.

Data processing agreement (DPA)

The EU personal data regulation requires that you as a company have a data processing agreement with software vendors that handle sensitive personal and private data. As a company, you are responsible for the employee data in Zenegy, and you are also responsible for being able to document how we at Zenegy process this data.

ISAE 3402 assurance report

The ISAE report is a thorough audit of our IT processes, carried out by an independent auditor.

Updated: 17th of June 2020

Personal data policy

Persondatapolitikken beskriver hvordan Zenegy Danmark ApS, behandler dine personoplysninger indhentet via vores softwareplatform.

Updated 17th of June 2020

Cookie policy

Here you will find a description of what cookies are, how they work and how they are used on Zenegy’s websites (Danish).

Data processing Audit December 2022

This report is made to control and document the Data processing agreement compliance of the European Parliament and Council regulation (EU) 2016 / 679 of the 27th of April 2016 about protection of natural persons in connection to processing of personal data(hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and the data protection act.

Denne rapport er udarbejdet for at kontrollere og dokumentere Databehandlerens overholdelse og efterlevelse af Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU) 2016/ 679 af 27. april 2016 om beskyttelse af fysiske personer i forbindelse med behandling af personoplysninger (herefter benævnt ”GDPR”) og databeskyttelsesloven.